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About Our Firm

Jessica White Law PLLC is an immigration law firm based in Tucson, Arizona. Our firm is available to assist clients in all fifty states and abroad. We help businesses, entrepreneurs, families, and individuals navigate the U.S. immigration system with confidence. 

Our Philosophy

 Our founder is the daughter of immigrants from Colombia, Ireland, and Germany. Her ancestors began their lives in the U.S. as clerks, shipbuilders, and farmers so that she could one day go to law school and help others seeking the opportunity to live, work, study, or invest in the United States. We believe that diversity and the contributions of immigrants have made the United States the great country that it is today, and continue that legacy by serving our clients with compassion, integrity, and determination. 

Why choose our firm?

1. Our practice is entirely dedicated to U.S. immigration law

Our firm is solely focused on U.S. immigration law so we can keep you up to date on the latest changes in law and policy. 

2. We listen. We are here to help.

At our firm, our clients are our number one priority. Our attorney will discuss your case with you in detail and answer your questions. When you hire us, we take the time to educate you about your options so that you are empowered to make the best decision about your case. Immigration matters can take time, and we will keep you up to date on the latest status of your case. 

3. We develop a strategy to help our clients achieve their goals.

One common misconception about immigration is that the immigration process is as simple as filling out a form. In reality, immigration law is a vast patchwork of laws, regulations, policy memoranda, and executive actions that is second only to the tax code in complexity. Even so, many people choose to file their immigration applications themselves or rely on notaries.* If they miss a deadline or forget to include critical evidence with their submission, these individuals could face long delays or even a denial of their case. 


We know your case is important to you, and you cannot afford any mistakes. We do not merely fill out forms. Instead, our attorney will develop a strategy to help you achieve your immigration goals. We are realistic about your options and will explain ahead of time any challenges or obstacles you may face based on the facts and circumstances of your case. 


Immigration matters such as applying to become a permanent resident or U.S. citizen can often take several years, so it’s important to hire a lawyer who will see your case through, keep track of deadlines, and help you navigate the complex immigration system without needing to go it alone. 


*In the U.S., notaries verify that the person signing a document is physically present based on their identity card, and does not necessarily have a legal education or a law license. You can contact your state bar association for more information on finding a licensed attorney. 

4. Our virtual law firm helps clients stay in touch.

Our firm uses the latest technologies to communicate with our clients. We meet with potential clients virtually using video chat and provide a portal where clients can upload files, access their case documents, receive messages, and pay bills online. We also travel to meet with our clients on a limited basis. At this time, our consultations are available by appointment only. Call 713-367-1188 or email us below to schedule a consultation.